A. Vita, Italy

University of Brescia Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences
Antonio Vita is Full Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Brescia, and since 2016 is Chair of Psychiatric Clinic and Director of the Department of Mental Health of Spedali Civili Hospital, Brescia. He is Director of the School of Specialty in Psychiatry and President of the Degree course in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Tecniques of the University of Brescia. He is Past-Chair of the Italian Society of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and is now Chair of the Section of Neuroimaging of the World Psychiatric Association, Vice-President of the Italian Society of Psychiatry and board member of the Italian Society of Biological Psychiatry. Is founding member and President of the Italian Group for the Study and Treatment of Cognition in Psychiatry. He has been involved in the study of brain morphological and functional correlates of psychoses, in the study of the effectiveness of psychopharmacological treatments in major psychoses, and in the study of evidence-based psychosocial treatments, especially cognitive remediation, in schizophrenia and severe mental disorders. Is author or co-author of 16 books and of more than 200 scientific papers published in national and international journals.

Moderator of 1 Session

Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
17:30 - 19:00
Channel 6
Session Description
The Live Q&A of this session will take place in the Live Sessions auditorium. Please refer to the interactive programme for the exact time and channel.

Cognitive dysfunctions represent a core feature of schizophrenia, are present at any stage of the disease and also in subjects at high risk for psychosis (UHR), and have a significant impact on subject’s psychosocial functioning. Pharmacological treatment is modestly effective on cognitive dimension while there is considerable evidence of the efficacy of cognitive remediation interventions on cognition and functioning of patients with schizophrenia. The Symposium has the aim of updating knowledge about the effectiveness and applicability of cognitive remediation techniques in schizophrenia, with a focus also on new developments and technologies. In particular: - will be presented a systematic review on the factors and ingredients influencing response to cognitive remediation in schizophrenia; will be discussed the applicability of cognitive remediation programs in UHR subjects and their effectiveness in preventing transition to psychosis; - will be discussed the biological signatures and effects of cognitive remediation, as revealed especially by neuroimaging techniques; - finally, a specific lecture will address the present and future developments of cognitive remediation for psychoses, focusing also on programs using new technologies, and discussing promises and limitations of the new approaches in the digital era.

Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A

Presenter of 5 Presentations

Tuesday, 13 April: Daily Overview (ID 1160) No Topic Needed

Daily Overview

Session Icon
Live TV
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
09:30 - 10:00
Lecture Time
09:30 - 10:00
LIVE - Symposium: Psychopharmacology During Infections, Including COVID-19 (ID 302) No Topic Needed

Live Q&A

Session Icon
Live, Section
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Lecture Time
11:08 - 11:28
Symposium: Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: New Evidences and Future Perspectives in the Digital Era (ID 313) No Topic Needed

Live Q&A

LIVE - Symposium: Psychopharmacology During Infections, Including COVID-19 (ID 302) No Topic Needed

S0022 - The Challenges of Psychopharmacological Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lombardy

Session Icon
Live, Section
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Lecture Time
10:17 - 10:34


Abstract Body


Public Mental Health Services in Lombardy (Italy) has 27 Departments for Mental Health and Addiction Services and a number of private residential facilities. With the reorganization of the entire Healthcare system to deal with COVID-19, Regional Health Authorities recognized mental health as a priority and authorized the continuation of mental health services for the general population.


To review the initiatives and procedures implemented in Lombardy during the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to the organization of Psychiatric Services and continuity of psychopharmacological treatment.


Hospital admissions for acute psychiatric disorders in patients positive for COVID-19 required a dedicated area in the psychiatric ward or alternatively, a medical ward supported by psychiatric staff.

Psychiatric hospital activity for patients negative for Covid-19 has been maintained as usual.

The activity in the Mental Health Centers has been maintained in patients suffering from severe mental disorders as well as in those with serious social problems or judicial sentences. Particular attention was paid to patients’ clinical monitoring and drug administration. Long-acting Injection antipsychotics were often preferred to oral treatment to ensure adherence and continuity of care. Appropriate e-health technologies were used to reach patients and their families, for monitoring patients and avoiding drop-outs of patients with serious diseases.


Maintaining continuous monitoring of patients in contact with mental health services is essential for a careful assessment of their condition from both a psychopathological and medical point of view during pandemic.

Symposium: Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: New Evidences and Future Perspectives in the Digital Era (ID 313) No Topic Needed

S0177 - Effectiveness of Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: What Works and What Does Not Work?

Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
17:30 - 19:00
Channel 6
Lecture Time
17:30 - 17:47


Abstract Body

Introduction Cognitive function in schizophrenia is one of the main elements related to functional outcomes. Although there is enough evidence that cognitive remediation (CR) is beneficial, there is still a limited understanding of how the active therapy ingredients contribute to brain changes and translate into improved real-world functioning.

Objectives Identify neurobiological, psychopathological, cognitive, and functional CR response or resistance predictors in schizophrenia, considering both cognitive and functional outcomes.

Results We still lack a precise understanding of how CR produce its effects with different programs, different numbers of sessions, with and without a therapist. CR exerts its maximal benefit when delivered in the context of psychiatric rehabilitation, but it is not yet clear what are the mechanisms of integrated treatment effectiveness. Only a few studies have looked for the relationship between CR response or resistance and the biological, socio-demographic, clinical and cognitive features in schizophrenia. The current knowledge on efficacy predictors of CR is sparse and include: age, illness duration, premorbid adjustment, baseline cognitive performance, intrinsic motivation, hostility, disorganized symptoms, neurobiological reserve, genetic polymorphisms, antipsychotics amount, the type of CR, etc. All of these limitations may have contributed to the poor implementation of CR in national and international guidelines, as well as in clinical practice.

Conclusions It is important that future research shift from studies of group efficacy to individual efficacy of treatments, in the perspective of precision medicine. Issues related to individual effectiveness predictors and interactions between specific pharmacologic, specific CR technique and individual patients’ characteristics should be further addressed.
