U. Würsch, Switzerland

Moderator of 1 Session

Mon, 12.04.2021
Session Time
08:00 - 09:30
Channel 1
Session Description
The symposium will summarize the perspectives of mental health service innovations aiming to reduce coercive measures in psychiatry. A balanced overview of acquisitions and challenges in the pathway to coercion reduction in psychiatry will be provided together with an in‐depth discussion among all stakeholders to identify the best procedures and validate them in different cultural contexts.
Session Icon

Presenter of 3 Presentations

LIVE - Symposium: Implementing Alternatives to Coercion in Mental Health Care (ID 635) No Topic Needed
LIVE - EPA Forum: Benchmarking Mental Health in Europe: Quality Indicators for Better Services and Care (ID 1109) No Topic Needed

The Families, Carers and Patients' View on Quality Indicators - EUFAMI

Session Icon
Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
09:00 - 11:30
Lecture Time
10:35 - 10:38
LIVE - EPA Forum: Benchmarking Mental Health in Europe: Quality Indicators for Better Services and Care (ID 1109) No Topic Needed