D. Dovbysh, Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University) Pedagogy and medical psychology

Presenter of 4 Presentations

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS03. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

EPP0111 - The work of a children's psychiatric clinic in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Russia

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare workers experienced significant distress. At the same time, concern for the safety and well-being of employees remained important priorities to ensure the quality of care for children with mental illness.


To study the specifics of the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic among employees of a children's psychiatric clinic, highlight the existing among them attitudes about the pandemic and form administrative decisions to improve the quality of care for children.


380 employees voluntarily took part in the study (group 1 (G1): 115 people who worked directly with Covid-19 and group 2 (G2): 265 people without this experience) from 05/18/2020 to 05/20/2020. The author's questionnaire included the following blocks: 1) attitude towards patients and colleagues; 2) emotional experiences; 3) ways of coping; 4) social support; 4) finance.


The main motive when deciding to work with Covid-19 was the motive of professional duty (25.4% of participants). There are a number of significant differences between group 1 and group 2: participants in G1 are characterized by denial of special experiences associated with Covid-19, seeking help from colleagues in difficult working conditions, reliance on family members and a positive vision of administrative decisions significantly more than participants G2. Relatives of G1 participants are less concerned about their future and health.


The personnel decisions made on the basis of the research allowed the clinic's team to provide quality care to children and families throughout the pandemic.

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS07. COVID-19 and related topics

EPP0383 - Impact of personality hardiness on anxiety dynamics during the COVID-19 outbreak in Russia

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



Hardiness is a set of attitudes, providing courage and motivation to cope with stress (Maddi, 2006). The COVID-19 outbreak and the response to it caused exceptional stress and drastically changed the everyday routine, endangering many people`s psychological well-being and mobilizing coping resources.


The study aimed to determine whether hardiness provided coping resources to deal with COVID-19 outbreak-related stressors.


949 participants from Russia (ages 18-66) voluntarily completed online questionnaires: BAI; BDI; SCL-90-R; Personal Views Survey III during the early COVID-19 restrictions (24 March - 15 May). Subsamples from four time periods were compared using ANOVA. The first dataset was collected before the official restrictions’ introduction (n=88). The second subsample was gathered during the “days off” week (n=262). The third period started with the “days off” extension and ended with the strict self-isolation announcement (n=296). The fourth dataset was gathered during self-isolation (n=303). General linear models (GLM) were used to determine the effect of variables on anxiety, depression, and general symptomatic index (GSI).


Hardiness, anxiety, depression, and GSI differed significantly between the time-periods (F=4.899, p<0.01; F=3.173, p<0.05; F=8.096, p<0.01; F=3.244, p<0.022 ; F=4.899, p<0.01 respectively). GLMs showed gender, chronic diseases, self-assessed fears, and hardiness contribution to anxiety, depression, and GSI. Hardiness had the biggest effect on all models. Anxiety was additionally influenced by the time factor, which also interacted with hardiness (see Figure 1). With lower hardiness, higher anxiety arose over time.esa.jpg


Hardiness notably contributes to personal adaptation during the COVID-19 outbreak-related restrictions.

e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106) AS47. Suicidology and suicide prevention

EPP1412 - Experiencing quarantine restrictions for adolescents with and without suicidal experience in Russia

Session Name
e-Poster Presentations (ID 1106)
Sun, 11.04.2021
Session Time
07:30 - 23:59
e-Poster Gallery
Lecture Time
07:30 - 07:30



The life changes and limitations associated with Covid-19 clearly have serious psychological implications. The life of adolescents has also changed significantly in many areas: study, communication with peers, contact with family, etc. and not all adolescents have adapted to these changes equally easily.


Study adolescents' perception of Covid-19, describe the effect of self-isolation on adolescent emotional well-being, and examine changes in the family system through the eyes of a teenager.


The study involved two groups of adolescents: the first (G1) - 174 students of a Moscow school and the second (G2) - 39 adolescents hospitalized in a children's psychiatric clinic in connection with suicidal actions. Teenagers filled out the author's questionnaire, Short Health Anxiety Inventory (Salkovskis), Analysis of Family Anxiety (Eidemiller, Yustickis), Prohibition on the expression of feelings (Kholmogorova).


Participants in G2 significantly more often than G1 reported that their functioning worsened (it became more difficult to study - 72% versus 51%; more difficult to communicate - 76% versus 41%, more conflicts with family members - 49% versus 25%). G2 demonstrated a significantly higher level of family anxiety (M = 17.3 and M = 12.1 p<0.01), a more pronounced prohibition on expressions of negative emotions (M = 37.2 and M = 21.3 p<0.01). The level of anxiety (for one's own health, well-being of relatives and financial stability) is also significantly higher in G2.


Many adolescents in self-isolation need the support of relatives and the help of specialists. For a number of teenagers, self-isolation has become a crisis situation.

Oral Communications (ID 1110) AS07. COVID-19 and related topics

O077 - Emotional response to illness in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Russia.

Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
07:00 - 21:00
On Demand
Lecture Time
19:12 - 19:24



The situation of Covid-19 disease, associated with a high threat to life and uncertainty, had not only somatic, but also psychological consequences for most patients. Emotional reactions of patients to hospitalization and ways to cope with what is happening have become the subject of study in different countries.


To assess the severity of signs of depression and anxiety and to study the methods used to regulate the emotional state in patients with COVID-19 at the time of hospitalization.


The study volunteered 127 hospitalized patients with Covid-19 (67 men (52.8%) and 60 women (47.2%), aged 19 to 77 years, who completed the following methods: Sociological questionnaire, Beck Depression Questionnaire, GAD-7, F-SOZU-22, CERQ, Dembo-Rubinstein self-assessment scales. The study was conducted from 04/25/2020 to 05/31/2020.


A quarter of patients showed pronounced signs of depression and anxiety (25.4% and 24.13%, respectively), with women having higher rates of depression (M = 8.76 and M = 6.32, p<0.01). Anova showed no significant differences in the response to the disease situation in patients of different age groups. Factor analysis made it possible to identify 3 patterns of emotional coping with the disease: «positive decision oriented», «fixed on negative experiences», «accusers» (The resulting factor solution explains 69% of the dispersion). None of the identified patterns were associated with a significant reduction in signs of depression and anxiety.


Despite the duration of the pandemic, there is still no specific pattern of effective coping with these experiences for patients.
