W. Burn, United Kingdom

Royal College of Psychiatrists Gatsby/Wellcome Neuroscience Project
Wendy was appointed as a Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist in Leeds in 1990 and now works part-time in a community mental health team for older people and also as the National Mental Health Clinical Advisor to Health Education England. She has been involved in the organisation and delivery of postgraduate training since she started as a consultant. She has held many roles in education. She set up the Yorkshire School of Psychiatry and was the first Head of School. She was Dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists from 2011 to 2016 and President from 2017 to 2020. The President holds a national and international leadership position in psychiatry and is responsible for formulating College policy. She is currently Co-chair of the Gatsby Wellcome Neuroscience Project which focuses on modernising the neuroscience taught to psychiatric trainees. She is also Chair of the Clinical group of Equally Well, a project set up to improve physical health in people with a serious mental illness

Moderator of 1 Session

EPA Course
Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
16:30 - 18:30
Courses Hall D
Session Description
In the era of personalised and integrated mental health care, neuroscience will play an increasing role in psychiatry. To take advantage of this, clinicians need a robust foundation in neuroscience. Most psychiatrists are not experts in neuroscience, but they need to be knowledgeable enough and confident enough to effectively integrate into patient care the advances that will be made during their working lives. Early Career Psychiatrists and more established clinicians need to be prepared to model this integration for psychiatrists in training, because the next generation of psychiatrists, more than any before, will need to be able to understand, critically evaluate and translate new research findings into improved clinical care for their patients. This course will present an immersive experience of this new era of integrated neuroscience. Participants will gain experience of innovative strategies for teaching and learning in a range of settings, including patient education. Participants will take part in facilitated pair- and group-work, including role play of psychiatrist-patient interactions, and teaching scenarios, using examples of relevant knowledge and understanding gained from cutting-edge neuroscience research. Participants will interact closely with speakers to highlight and exchange best practice and to identify opportunities for adaptation of strategies to different national contexts. On completion of the course, our aim is that participants will better understand techniques to integrate modern neuroscience into psychiatric training and will have increased confidence in their didactic skills.
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Live, Ticket Required

Presenter of 1 Presentation

Course 08: Reshaping Training: Integrating Modern Neuroscience to Prepare Modern Clinical Psychiatrists (ID 138) No Topic Needed

Reshaping Training: Integrating Modern Neuroscience to Prepare Modern Clinical Psychiatrists

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Live, Ticket Required
Sat, 10.04.2021
Session Time
16:30 - 18:30
Courses Hall D
Lecture Time
16:30 - 18:30