Welcome to the EPA 2021 Interactive Programme

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Displaying One Session

Mental Health Policy
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Session Description
The Live Q&A of this session will take place in the Live Sessions auditorium. Please refer to the interactive programme for the exact time and channel.

Forcibly displaced people across the world face social, psychological and economical challenges linked to their unsecure status, often involving racial discrimination. The cycle of racial discrimination, stigmatization and exclusion starts with the labeling of people with displacement background as a group and individually as `the Other` causing alienation and mobilizing mental stereotypes including ignorance and prejudices. Stigmatisation is a mixture of ignorance and stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. While ignorance could be defined as the lack of knowledge and interest, and stereotypes reflect the cognitive aspect of social categorization of members of ‘ingroups’ and ‘outgroups’. Prejudices or negative attitudes towards outgroups reflect the emotional aspect of differentiation, and discrimination refers to the behavioral patterns directed to the well-being of outgroups, and harming them. Thus, stigmatization and discrimination is very close and negative related to the poor living conditions of these groups and their psychosocial status in the society. There is a large and growing body of evidence indicates that experiences of racial discrimination are an important type of stressor that can alter the health status and lead to behavioural patterns, which increase health risks. Furthermore, several studies has focused on the relationship between racial discrimination and poor health outcomes in these vulnerable groups. We will focus on the impact of racism and discrimination on mental health of forceíbly displaced people and discuss how to deal with growing racism and discrimination including recommendations. All presentations will be discussed with the plenum.

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Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A
Symposium: Racism and Discrimination in Mental Health Care of Forcibly Displaced People over the Globe (ID 203) No Topic Needed

S0153 - A Conceptual Approach: Racial Discrimination, Forced Displacement and Health / Mental Health

Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Lecture Time
10:00 - 10:17
Symposium: Racism and Discrimination in Mental Health Care of Forcibly Displaced People over the Globe (ID 203) No Topic Needed

S0154 - Overview of Current Research on Racism and Discrimination and Mental Health of Forcibly Displaced People

Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Lecture Time
10:17 - 10:34
Symposium: Racism and Discrimination in Mental Health Care of Forcibly Displaced People over the Globe (ID 203) No Topic Needed

S0155 - The Impact of Racism and Discrimination on Mental Health of Immigrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Lecture Time
10:34 - 10:51
Symposium: Racism and Discrimination in Mental Health Care of Forcibly Displaced People over the Globe (ID 203) No Topic Needed

Live Q&A

Session Icon
Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A
Tue, 13.04.2021
Session Time
10:00 - 11:30
Channel 3
Lecture Time
10:51 - 11:28