Ann Marie Navar (United States of America)

UT Southwestern Medical Center Internal Medicine (Cardiology)
Ann Marie Navar is a preventive cardiologist and an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Her research focuses on blood pressure and cholesterol lowering, implementation science, risk communication, real-world data, and EHR-enabled research. She is an associate editor at JAMA-Cardiology, and a board member of the American Society of Preventive Cardiology.

Author Of 3 Presentations

Barriers to Population based Preventive strategies (ID 1387)

Session Type
CME Session
Session Time
14:30 - 15:45
Sun, 30.05.2021
Hall A (Live Q&A)
Lecture Time
14:32 - 14:47

Live Q&A (ID 1390)

Session Type
CME Session
Session Time
14:30 - 15:45
Sun, 30.05.2021
Hall A (Live Q&A)
Lecture Time
15:20 - 15:45

Overcoming barriers to population health-through siRNA based therapies (ID 1530)

Session Type
Meet the experts
Session Time
16:30 - 17:00
Mon, 31.05.2021
Meet the expert session hall
Lecture Time
16:30 - 17:00

Presenter of 3 Presentations

Overcoming barriers to population health-through siRNA based therapies (ID 1530)

Session Type
Meet the experts
Session Time
16:30 - 17:00
Mon, 31.05.2021
Meet the expert session hall
Lecture Time
16:30 - 17:00

Barriers to Population based Preventive strategies (ID 1387)

Session Type
CME Session
Session Time
14:30 - 15:45
Sun, 30.05.2021
Hall A (Live Q&A)
Lecture Time
14:32 - 14:47

Live Q&A (ID 1390)

Session Type
CME Session
Session Time
14:30 - 15:45
Sun, 30.05.2021
Hall A (Live Q&A)
Lecture Time
15:20 - 15:45