Igor A. Sobenin, Russian Federation

Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Russian Medical Research Center of Cardiology Laboratory of Medical Genetics
I have graduated from Chelyabinsk State Medical Institute (Chelyabinsk, Russia) in 1986 and got my Ph.D. degree at Russian Endocrinology Research Center (Moscow, Russia) in 1991. My scientific career started then at Russian Medical Research Center of Cardiology (former Russian Cardiology Research Center) in 1992 and lasts for now. I have got my D.Sci. degree at the Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow, Russia) in 2006. My current position is the Chief Researcher and the Head of the Lab at Russian Medical Research Center of Cardiology (Moscow, Russia). My overall research activity is in a field of molecular and cellular mechanisms of atherosclerosis and atherogenesis, including genetic and phenotypic markers of susceptibility; clinical, epidemiological and population studies in the field of chronic diseases with a special emphasis on atherosclerosis.