SaaG e-Posters: Diabetes: new mechanisms and life-style interventions

235 - Effect of community-based intervention on lifestyle in the concentration of adipoquines and branched amino acid in subjects with high risk of developing diabetes: Feel4Diabetes Study (ID 963)

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Session Name
SaaG e-Posters: Diabetes: new mechanisms and life-style interventions
Presentation Topic
3.3 Diabetes, insulin sensitivity and resistance


Background and Aims

Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is one chronic diseases with high prevalence in developed countries and high number of associated comorbidities. Feel4Diabetes study was a school and community-based intervention that aimed to reduce the prevalence of T2DM in European families. Plasmatic concentrations of branched amino acid (BCAA) and RBP4, have been shown to be elevated in T2DM subjects in cross-sectional studies. However, the effect of lifestyle community-based intervention on BCAA and RBP4 concentrations has not been yet analysed


Feel4Diabetes study identified 360 families with high risk of developing T2DM according to FINDRISC questionnaire. They were randomized in control and intervention group that was carried out from 2016 to 2018. The concentration of BBCA and RBP4 was determined in 266 subjects (115 control and 151 intervention group) that attended to three time-points assessments, by colorimetric and ELISA reaction, respectively


Baseline BCAA and RBP4 levels were significantly higher in men than women (p=0.043 and p<0.001 respectively). Baseline BCAA levels showed positively correlation with baseline glucose, insulin, body mass index, glycated haemoglobin and weight. However, baseline RBP4 did not show significant correlation with anthropometric and glycaemic parameters. Those participants receiving community-based intervention showed a significantly decrease of glycated haemoglobin and BCAA levels comparing to control group. However, no significant change was observed in anthropometric parameters and RBP4 concentrations.table.gif


A community-based intervention on lifestyle led to significant reduction on BCAA levels which were correlated to glycemic parameters and BMI at baseline. These findings suggest that this interventional approach could be promising in T2DM prevention.


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