Found 1 Presentation For Request "84P"

ePoster (ID 65) ePoster

84P - Actual 5-year survival of dose-dense sequential adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer (BC) patients treated in the post-trastuzumab era: A pooled analysis of 3 clinical trials

Presentation Number
Lecture Time
12:00 - 12:00
  • Eleni Aravantinou Fatorou (Athens, Greece)
Session Name
ePoster (ID 65)
12:00 - 20:00
  • Eleni Aravantinou Fatorou (Athens, Greece)
  • Georgia-Angeliki Koliou (Athens, Greece)
  • Flora Zagouri (Athens, Greece)
  • Lida Kostadima (Athens, Greece)
  • Helen Gogas (Athens, Greece)
  • Dimitrios Pectasides (Athens, Greece)
  • Ioannis Binas (Athens, Greece)
  • Angelos Koutras (Athens, Greece)
  • Gerasimos Aravantinos (Athens, Greece)
  • Amanda Psyrri (Athens, Greece)
  • Georgios Lazaridis Lazaridis (Athens, Greece)
  • Dimitrios Bafaloukos (Athens, Greece)
  • Emmanouil Saloustros (Athens, Greece)
  • Charisios Karanikiotis (Athens, Greece)
  • Iliada Bombolaki Bombolaki (Athens, Greece)
  • Evangelia Razis (Athens, Greece)
  • Anna Koumarianou (Athens, Greece)
  • Pavlos Papakostas (Athens, Greece)
  • Paris Kosmidis (Athens, Greece)
  • George Fountzilas (Thessaloniki, Greece)



The addition of trastuzumab (T) in dose-dense (dd) sequential (s) chemotherapy (CT) has been found to improve the outcome of patients (pts) with HER2(+) BC. We aimed to evaluate the 5-year survival benefit of dds-CT in pts treated in the post-trastuzumab era.


We analyzed 3,026 pts diagnosed with operable BC between 2005 and 2013, treated with dds-CT within one randomized and two observational HeCOG trials. Pts with HER2(+) disease had received T for 1 year. Hormonal and radiation therapy were administered, as indicated.The primary endpoints were disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS).


In total, 59.7% of pts had Hormone receptor (HR)(+)/HER2(-)(luminal) tumors, 25.5% had HER2(+) disease, and 14.5% had triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). T was administered in 95.5% of pts with HER2(+) disease. At a median follow-up of 7.4 years, the 5-year DFS rate of pts with HER2(+) and luminal tumors was 88%, respectively, as compared to 83% for those with TNBC. The 5-year OS rate was 93% for pts with HER2(+) disease, 92% for luminal and 87% for TNBC. Pts with luminal disease had the greatest 5-year DFS rates both among women with positive and negative nodes (86% and 95%, respectively), followed by pts with HER2(+) BC (83% and 94%, respectively) and TNBC (76% and 89%, respectively).The 5-year OS rate of pts with HER2(+) and luminal disease was 91%, respectively among pts with positive nodes and 97%, respectively in pts with node-negative BC. The 5-year OS rate of TNBC pts with node-negative disease was 92%.


Trastuzumab is a part of one of success stories in Oncology, as its use dramatically improved the prognosis of HER2(+) pts. In this study, the outcomes of pts with HER2(+) BC were similar to those with luminal tumors, while TNBC remained the most unfavorable group.

Legal entity responsible for the study

Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG).


Has not received any funding.


All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
