Jose Arribas, Hospital Universitario La Paz

Hospital Universitario La Paz

Presenter Of 2 Presentations

Plenary session

Plenary: ART 2020: Needs and wants. Needs: treatment for all and optimal ART during pregnancy, advanced disease, TB and comorbidities & Wants: rapid ART, simple ART, drug reducing ART, long acting ART

Prime Channel-Live sessions

Presenter Of 1 Presentation

Symposia session

2-drug oral ART

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


A cohort of patients with COVID-19 in a major teaching hospital in Europe

Session Name
Track B: Clinical science, testing (RT-PCR and serologic) and diagnoses, natural history, clinical care, ARDS care, therapeutics
COVID-19 Conference Poster Channel

Presenter Of 1 Presentation

Symposia session

2-drug oral ART

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel

Presenter Of 4 Presentations


A cohort of patients with COVID-19 in a major teaching hospital in Europe

Session Name
Track B: Clinical science, testing (RT-PCR and serologic) and diagnoses, natural history, clinical care, ARDS care, therapeutics
COVID-19 Conference Poster Channel
Plenary session

Plenary: ART 2020: Needs and wants. Needs: treatment for all and optimal ART during pregnancy, advanced disease, TB and comorbidities & Wants: rapid ART, simple ART, drug reducing ART, long acting ART

Prime Channel-Live sessions
Symposia session

2-drug oral ART

Symposia and bridging sessions On-Demand Channel