Michael Discepola, San Francisco AIDS Foundation

San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Michael Discepola, MA is Vice President of Behavioral and Substance Use Health at the Stonewall Project at San Francisco AIDS Foundation. For over 20 years, he has provided leadership to HIV prevention, substance use, harm reduction and community-based mental health programs for LGBTQ populations.

Presenter Of 1 Presentation

Non-Commercial Satellite

Low-threshold substance use services

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


PED1240 - Low threshold harm reduction services engage MSM in drug & alcohol treatment

Session Name
E-posters Track D
Poster Channel - Track D

Presenter Of 2 Presentations

Non-Commercial Satellite

Low-threshold substance use services


Low threshold harm reduction services engage MSM in drug & alcohol treatment

Session Name
E-posters Track D
Poster Channel - Track D