James Moore, Fred Hutch Cancer Research Institute

Fred Hutch Cancer Research Institute
James Richard Moore is a mathematical modeler at the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center studying the effectiveness of PrEP in populations with high HIV risk both in the US and abroad since 2018.

Presenter Of 2 Presentations


PEC0370 - Identifying regions of greatest need for ending the HIV epidemic: A plan for America

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

PEC0525 - Improved PrEP effectiveness on non-daily regimens among individuals with low adherence: A simulation study using HPTN 067/ADAPT data

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

Presenter Of 2 Presentations


Identifying regions of greatest need for ending the HIV epidemic: A plan for America

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

Improved PrEP effectiveness on non-daily regimens among individuals with low adherence: A simulation study using HPTN 067/ADAPT data

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C