Mike Reid, University of California, San Francisco, Institute for Global Health Sciences

University of California, San Francisco, Institute for Global Health Sciences
Mike works in the Institute for Global Health Diplomacy and Delivery. He is involved with policy analyses, research, and agenda-setting activities related to improving care delivery for people living with HIV, TB and other chronic diseases in sub Saharan Africa.

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


PEE1342 - Assessing the economic impact of TB mortality in high HIV/TB burden countries: What it will cost if we don't achieve the End TB targets

Session Name
E-posters Track E
Poster Channel - Track E

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


Assessing the economic impact of TB mortality in high HIV/TB burden countries: What it will cost if we don't achieve the End TB targets

Session Name
E-posters Track E
Poster Channel - Track E