Rose Aguolu, National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)

National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)
Dr. Rose Aguolu is a public health expert with rich experience in research and M&E of HIV/AIDS projects. Her contributions to HIV epidemic control in Nigeria earned her a Presidential Merit Award in March 2019. She heads the research unit of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS, Nigeria.

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


PEC0700 - Needle sharing practices and access to harm reduction services among people who inject drugs in Nigeria: Findings from a 2018 programmatic mapping exercise across 10 states

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C

Presenter Of 1 Presentation


Needle sharing practices and access to harm reduction services among people who inject drugs in Nigeria: Findings from a 2018 programmatic mapping exercise across 10 states

Session Name
E-posters Track C
Poster Channel - Track C