Joe F. Abisambra (United States of America)

University of Florida Department of Neuroscience
Professor Abisambra trained at the University of South Florida, where he obtained his PhD while working on LDL receptor in Huntington Potter's Lab. He consequently focused on investigating the impact of chaperone proteins on tau biology as a postdoc in Chad Dickey's Lab. In 2013, he opened his lab as an Assistant Prof. in the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging at the University of Kentucky, where he focused on the impact of tau on ER stress and translation, in models of AD, Down syndrome, and TBI. He relocated in 2018 to the University of Florida as an Associate Professor, where he continues to focus his research program on tau and translation. Work from his lab, which is supported by federal and non-profit sources, has brought us closer to understanding the mechanisms by which tau impairs protein synthesis leading to maladaptive responses and cellular dysfunction in AD, FTD, and TBI. He is also an Assistant Dean of Diversity and Health Equity in the UF College of Medicine, where he assists graduate students in the Biomedical Sciences Program. But he is best known for single-parenting 4 kids under 7yo, 3 days a week, while his wife works as a nurse in Labor and Delivery at SHANDS hospital.